Social Media activities have become a significant part of the marketing mix for Industrial companies and is now incorporated into our Online Marketing Program, along with Blogs and Video.
Social Media may have started out as a new way for people to talk to their friends, sharing photos and ideas, but it was quickly realised that it’s use could be utilised by companies to reach prospective customers. Social Media is now well-established by industrial manufacturing companies and it continues to grow as more companies recognise the benefits.
Social Media gives you the opportunity to build your brand, connect and build relationships with your customers, suppliers, prospects and partners, as well as improving your SEO and driving traffic to your website.
So which social media platforms do we utilise for your industry? Whilst Facebook may not be an obvious choice, it is still the largest network and we consistently record click-throughs to our clients’ websites from Facebook; however, Twitter and LinkedIn are often more successful in terms of driving traffic to sites.

We think it’s important to remember that your audience uses social media personally as well as for business, so personal preferences come into play. We ensure your company has a presence on all the popular social media sites, giving your customers and potential customers the very best opportunity to access information about you and your products. Also, let’s not forget YouTube, which is extremely powerful and yet still under-utilised in B2B industries. If a picture is worth a thousand words, what are videos worth?
Our approach to Social Media for industrial SMEs is derived from many years of research and development to ensure that we could understand what works in the industrial sector and in proving the package in partnership with long term PR clients.
This is a fully integrated program together with our traditional industrial PR.
The basic monthly package of managing messages, links shared (5 per week) to blog/articles/research etc, accept/decline/follow requests and targeted audience building can be enhanced as follows:
Enhanced activities
- Manage direct inbox messages across all platforms, accept/decline follow/friend requests, 5 links shared per week (blog, articles, research etc)
- Targeted audience building – approx. 10 – 15 per week via following/requesting friends/contacts and by engaging in conversation with potential clients
- Reputation management on Twitter – tracking what’s being said about you and feeding back
- Monthly report giving you a breakdown of our activity and a Social Media progress report
The one essential part of a successful social media campaign for your industrial manufacturing company is a blog. This fresh content is essential for giving people a reason to visit your website on a regular basis. If you are not sure what subjects to cover in your blog, don’t worry – that’s something we can deal with alongside your PR program.
Find out more about our Social Media Program on our “FAQ’s on Blogs and Social Media” page.